For different wordpress blog with WP themes in general. The major difference is the focus that highlight and integrate contextual ads such as google adsense at about blog content, both under the title or below the content, so easily seen by visitors blog. Therefore, aesthetic considerations are usually somewhat neglected. In addition. placement of the ad code is very easy to do without the need to set themes. you just set up your google adsense ad code. The next WP Adsense Ready themes that will regulate itself layout.
below we provide instant wordpress theme ready to use for adsense, themes are not just for adsense but also to business affiliates such as click bank and other
“ready” means that we have set the layout of a theme that is optimized for displaying high khusu change the block Adsense and affiliate products. All you have to do is add your adsense publisher ID and Id Clickbank when you install your theme and start walking.
1)upload the entire theme tou your web hosting
Upload the entire “Super adsense” folder using your ftp program or or using the cpanel in your website to your wordpress themes folder, under wp-content/themes like this:
www/wp-content/themes/super adsense
Upload the files related-posts.php using your ftp program or using the cpanel in your website
To your wordpress plugins folder , under wp-content/themes,like this:
2) set the correct access permissions
You will need to set file permission to “776” for the following files:
Id-click bank.php
In your ftp program ,right click on the files then select “file attributes”:
Then set the file permissions to 776 and click OK:
Or you can using too cpanel program in your website
login tou your cpanel:
go to menu file manager,choose the web root(public HTML).see the picture below:
then click folder super adsense themes select this files: id-adsensechannel.php , id-adsensepub.php , id-clickbank.php
and change the permissions to 776
3)Get your publisher ID
If you don’t have an adsense account ,you must be register first the address is
If you have a adsense account,log in to your account ,and click on my account where you will see your publisher ID
4)Get your click bank ID and join affiliate program
Clickbank is well known by the internet marketer in the world. As you know Clickbank is the largest marketplace of digital products in the world. Clickbank which was founded in 1998, is the site Pay Per Sale (PPS), which sells digital products in the form of e-books, software, or other digital information. The number of products sold in Clickbankb is very big, just imagine more than 12 thousand products with various product categories.
Clickbank today become affiliate marketing programs most favored by most of the internet marketer in the world, this is not because because of the amount of commission offered. Every affiliate marketer who managed to sell one product can earn commissions up to 70% depending on the product sold. Count it if you managed to sell more than 1 product within one day. beyond words Also become a ClickBank affiliate you can do without the cost of free aliases. Clickbank affiliate received from more than 150 countries around the world .
As an affiliate you are free to promote products you want. Clickbank does not limit how much the number of products you can promote. You just choose from thousands of products in the ClickBank marketplace.
Clickbank is also no limit to how much income you can achieve as a ClickBank affiliate. As we know many who have been successful Clickbank affiliate reach thousands or even millions of dollars. The Commission will you earn a maximum of up to 75% depending on the product respectively. Minimum for a sales commission is $ 0.25, and the maximum is $ 150. If you are promoting a “product that billed over and over”, you can even earn recurring commission from the time of purchase until the user is finished or canceled subscription.
become an affiliate clickbank also not easy. Become an affiliate clickbank must have good preparation, do not expect you will be successful if no preparation and provision of adequate. You must be mastered in detail how to play in overseas markets for products clickbank. You also must understand how to choose the product that you promote the potential for thousands of products available Clickbank. Included you will also have to understand how to promote Clickbank products with cheap but the results were incredible.
5) Login to WordPress and edit your details
Login your wordpress account ,and click on presentation à the editor and replace the value on these File with your ID.this the file:
Id-adsensepub.php enter your adsense publisher ID
Id-adsensechannel.php enter your adsense channel ID
Id-clickbank.php enter your click bank ID
Then if you have replace with your ID and then click update…
6) Related posts plugins customization constructions
You will notice “related posts options” tab under your “plugins” tab. If this is your first time installing these plugin please click click the link for index table setup script at the bottom of the option page.
You only need to do this once when you install the plugin for the first can adjust the setting to determine how many related articles as shown ,
7)Create your own custom navigation
Click on the file “ navigation.php in your wordpress account ,and you will see these codes:
<li> <a href=”<?php bloginfo (‘url’);?>/page2/”>page 2</a><li>
<li> <a href=”<?php bloginfo (‘url’);?>/category/”>uncategorized/category</a><li>
<li> <a href=””>/page2/”>page 2</a><li>
To link to pages or categories on your blog ,all you need to do is to enter as many lines as you want ,changing the page name and the link text.
8)Create your header using photoshop
You can editing the header using photoshop.the file is logo.psd with specifications:
File name:logo.jpg
If you have been editing the logo.psd next you must replacing the defaulth image by replacing the existing logo.jpg file locate in folder themes/images.
first open your cpanel choose public html and go..then click open your folder wp content,themes,and next click super adsense and upload your logo.jpg with replacing it.
details is www/wp-content/themes/super adsense/images(upload here)..