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Monday, September 27, 2010

Bring More Traffic Every Day from Google Alert

Traffic is the number one factor to make a good AdSense revenue. More traffic more money. This is boring and not much of a use. Exiting and challenging part is how to bring more and more traffic to your blog every day. These are my latest successful experiment after trying out different AdSense colour pallets which triple the CTR rate.

This time let me tell you how I use Google Alerts to bring more and more traffic to my blog. It is no brainier nor nothing new, but how to use it effectively to achieve what you required. I used Google alerts to get the latest news and changes happening around my niche. You may already know the trick but are you using it?

Why it is working for me? I am not a professional blogger or I don't have a top listed blog. So, I always have to fight with the competition and steal some readers from Google search engine. If you are blogging you know how hard it is to optimise your blog to get in to the top. Google alerts trick has given me couple of more easy methods to achieve it.  If you are someone like me I am sure you can utilize this method as well.

I have set up the keywords which I would love to optimise my blog in Google Alerts. Don’t try to Following is the other settings I have selected.

Type: Everything
This will bring you all the news, blogs, updates, videos and discussion to your email or feed. I will explain later why I am not only targeting quality articles only.

How Often: Once a Day
I am not going to spend the whole day reading Google alerts. I do my best to do a one post per day base on the Google alerts.

Volume: All Results
Again I am targeting all the articles that Google Alerts can send my way. Good once bad once, I don't really care.

Delivered to can be your preferred and familiar way to go through information. I preferred emails.

Once you start getting the Google alerts in to your email or feed you can start doing the post and I would like to share how I do that as well.

If you have chosen to receive Google Alerts on your email don't forget to create a rule that will move Google alert emails to a special folder. Pretty much all the email programs support this feature.

Spend five to 10 minutes to go through the Google Alert emails and open up links that catch your attention. Then take some times to go through all the open sites and find out the interesting topic that you can do a reasonably good post. It can be the similar topic to the original post. Do not forget to improve it.

Do a good research base on the topic and the keyword  that you have chosen. I will try to find some interesting pictures, more reviews, specifications and good video. Combine everything in to one post.

As the topic is new you don't have much competition. If you have done your research and include most of the interesting facts about it search engines and people will find it useful. Mainly as it is a latest and hot topic it will pick up so easily.

I know you can come up with more tricks to improve this and don't forget to share how you go with it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Supplement your AdSense earnings with Google Affiliate Network

I have been using the Google Affiliate program some times. Even if you are a just started blogging and still waiting it to be picked up and making real money out of it , Google Affiliate program will provide some benefits.

As a beginner you will able to write more product oriented posts which will eventually help you to monetize your blog. You can search for the products which are related your niche and start writing reviews for that. Basically you can use Google Affiliate network to generate more relevant products ideas.

Another thing I have noticed is that more product oriented post will attract high paying AdSense ads. So, you will also having positive impact on AdSense ads earning.

You can find how to joing Google Affiliate network.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Selamat Idul Fitri 1431 H

Mungkin engkau tak merasa ...
Mungkin aku tiada sengaja
Ada salah dan dosa antara kita
Semoga maaf berkenan kau beri
Agar kita kembali fitri

Selamat Idul Fitri 1431H
Minal Aidin wal Faidzin
Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin
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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Trik SEO Memanfaatkan Search Engine

Trik SEO kali ini akan mengungkapkan trik optimasi dengan memanfaatkan search engine itu sendiri.
Jika Anda melihat sebuah mobil BMW X1 merah lewat di depan Anda, namun teman di samping Anda mengatakan bahwa mobil tersebut berwarna hitam, tentunya Anda akan mempertahankan pendapat Anda dan mengatakan teman Anda rabun. Mengapa? Karena Anda tentu lebih percaya terhadap penglihatan Anda sendiri, kecuali jika Anda yang buta warna.
Demikian juga dengan search engine yang lebih mempercayai hasil pencariannya. Oleh karena itu, traffic blog yang datang melalui Search Engine Result Page atau SERP akan memberikan dampak positif lebih, jika dibanding traffic blog yang datang melalui link lainnya.
Jika demikian, mengapa tidak kita mulai dari diri kita sendiri sebagai pemilik blog untuk mengakses blog kita melalui SERP? Caranya? Ikuti trik berikut.
1. Buka search engine, misalnya Google.
2. Tuliskan keyword utama blog Anda yang ingin Anda optimisasi, pada kotak pencarian Google. Misalnya, Trik SEO.
3. Anda akan memperoleh hasil pencarian dalam Google SERP yang menampilkan link-link blog yang sesuai dengan keyword yang Anda tulis pada trik langkah 2.
4. Periksalah link blog Anda dalam SERP. Telusuri mulai dari SERP #1 hingga SERP #n sampai Anda menemukan link blog Anda.
5. Setelah Anda temukan, perhatikan Addres Bar atau kotak alamat URL. Di sana tertulis alamat URL dari SERP yang menampilkan link blog Anda. Misalnya:
Teks warna hijau adalah keyword yang digunakan dalam pencarian. Adapun teks warna merah merupakan peringkat blog urutan teratas dalam SERP.
6. Copy alamat URL tersebut dan paste dalam aplikasi teks editor, misalnya Notapad. Kemudian Save di flashdisk Anda.
7. Saat Anda ingin mengakses blog Anda, Copy alamat URL yang Anda simpan tersebut dan paste pada Adress Bar dari web browser, kemudian klik Go atau tanda panah di samping Adress Bar.

Suatu saat nanti, mungkin blog Anda akan hilang dari halaman SERP yang telah Anda simpan linknya tersebut. Mengapa? Kemana blog Anda?
Jika hal tersebut terjadi, berarti blog Anda telah mengalami perkembangan. Entah perkembangan baik atau perkembangan buruk. Cobalah cari blog Anda pada 3 halaman SERP sebelum halaman SERP simpanan Anda dan 3 halaman sesudahnya. Biasanya, perkembangan blog dalam SERP tidak terlalu drastis. Jika blog Anda berpindah ke halaman SERP lebih awal berarti upaya optimisasi Anda mulai menampakkan hasil positif. Namun jika blog Anda turun ke halaman SERP sesudahnya, berarti peringkat blog Anda turun dan artinya Anda harus berusaha lebih giat lagi. Dan jangan lupa untuk terus mengikuti trik SEO di blog ini.

Agar tidak ketinggalan, daftarkan e-mail Anda melalui kotak langganan di bawah ini.
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